When did you start at Five Forks Athletics?
Heather - "August 2019 on a trial basis but fell in love with the 9:30 people and never left."
Dwayne - "It was right after the new gym opened. I remembered that there were portable toilets and Jonathan Promised there would be air conditioning. Just Kidding about that Jonathan."
What is your favorite workout?
Heather - "Bench Press and Deadlift make me feel the strongest so they're my favorite. Nothing cardio but I am beginning to love the ski erg!"
Dwayne - "Bench Press. I have been doing it my whole life so I can do that fairly well."
What type of exercise were you doing before Five Forks Athletics?
Heather - "I worked out at Burn Boot Camp for several years before switching to CrossFit."
Dwayne - "I have exercised my whole life. The majority was what I call the beach pump... chest, shoulders, bi's and tri's. I started doing group workouts with F3. It was good but I felt I needed something more focused. So I started Five Forks CrossFit."
What are your health and fitness goals and have you achieved any of those goals, how’s it going so far?
Heather - "Back Squats were never my friend but I feel like I've finally overcome that and have hit some PR's. I'm working on GHD's now. Hoping to conquer those as well and stop using my age as an excuse."
Dwayne - "My main goals are that I want to lead a healthy lifestyle and be able to be an active grandparent when my daughters have children. I want to be able to take them to Disney and be able to keep up with them."
Has Five Forks Athletics affected your life outside the gym?
Heather - "As far as outside of the gym, the community at Five Forks Athletics is more like family. We come together in need, in fun and in support of each other."
Dwayne - "I think the biggest change is that Heather and I have an active healthy lifestyle. I feel that I am as healthy as I have been and I am thankul that at the age of 61 I am still able to get a PR now and then. I know that the work that I put in at the gym allows me to do things that a lot of people my age cannot do."
Do you have any other special memories or achievements during your time here?
Heather - "We make memories everyday in the 9:30 class. We're sassy, funny and territorial."
Dwayne - "I am thankful for the coaches and group that we have at the 5:00 class. They put up with my acting out occasionally and are always very encouraging. I am thankful for the community that Jonathan and Brit have created."
Get in touch to book your free trial class today.