When did you start at Five Forks Athletics?
"I’m not entirely sure but I have some photos I’m in at Five Forks Athletics back in 2015, I also have a T-shirt that says 2015 5forks CrossFit on it so I’m pretty sure it was then."
What is your favorite workout?
"Anything that is an AMRAP.. that way I finish with everyone else and no one knows how many reps I did. “For time” workouts…when everybody is done and the next class is starting, …people driving off in their cars, making a protein shake, eating a sandwhich ect and you’re still finishing the wod…. emotional damage! haha!"
What type of exercise were you doing before Five Forks Athletics?
"Before Five Forks Athletics, I was wandering around Australia, surfing, working out at the park on the beach, thinking it was much cooler than it really was…. They kicked me off their little island/ Continent so I came to Five Forks."
What are your health and fitness goals and have you achieved any of those goals, how’s it going so far?
"My fitness goal is to be as fit as I think I am, but this is very lofty… I also want to be able to physically assault Jonathan Gunther … I’m not there yet because he’s a little bit stronger than me, but I am working on it… I have a speech prepared for when I beat him…. but it will have to wait because he is my partner in an upcoming competition."
Has Five Forks Athletics affected your life outside the gym?
"Absolutely! When I first came to Five Forks CrossFit, it was because it had a bunch of attractive members, sadly after about two weeks after starting, I realized EVERY single person was married, but by then I already liked everybody, so I figured I’d be single forever…. But as fate would have it in 2018, I met my favorite person in the world at Five Forks Athletics. My wife, Gracie, and we made my beautiful daughter Josie. I owe all that too FFA."
Do you have any other special memories or achievements during your time here?
"I have a fun memory of sleeping outside the old Five Forks building in my school bus and Johnathan giving me the electrical cord to run my heater! haha!"
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