When did you start at Five Forks Athletics?
"In February the year Brittany had Emmie. 6 years this month?"
What is your favorite workout?
"I can’t say I have a favorite workout, BUT I love the endorphins I get from every workout!"
What type of exercise were you doing before Five Forks Athletics?
"I never exercised until after I had my daughter. I started walking and eventually started going to
commercial gyms with my husband and lifting weights."
What are your health and fitness goals and have you achieved any of those goals, how’s it going so far?
"My goals with health and fitness are to feel good! Also, I used to absolutely despise running and would
cherry pick the workout if it had anything above 400m. I started running with Gracie and wanted to
“love” running. Now I run on my own, willingly, that’s big for me!"
Has Five Forks Athletics affected your life outside the gym?
"FFA has had the biggest impact on my life and I don’t say that lightly!! When I moved here, I didn’t know a
single person, and I have met some of my closest friends here. It’s the community for me."
Do you have any other special memories or achievements during your time here?
"Not to sound cheesy, but so many special memories! I look forward to going to the gym everyday to
exercise, talk some trash, see my friends, and love on all the kids!"
Get in touch to book your free trial class today.