When did you start at Five Forks Athletics?
“I started FFA on May 19 2021.”
What is your favorite workout?
“Anything that doesn’t involve the bike. I enjoy most of the cardio, though it doesn’t look like it when it’s happening. I also enjoy most of the weight lifting, though still working on getting comfortable with anything overhead.”
What type of exercise were you doing before FFA?
“I was a member of another gym for about 8 years and then focused more on running and ran a few half marathons. I had to take a break for a couple of years due to side effects from a medication I was on for Crohn’s and, while I still have some of the side effects, I am much improved and I missed this type of workout and came one morning with a friend, who is also in the 9:30 class, and decided to join. Thank you Attee!”
What are your health and fitness goals and have you achieved any of those goals, how’s it going so far?
“There is always a weight loss goal which is a work in progress but mainly showing up and doing the work is a big deal to me. I never would have thought when I was going through the aftermath of a drug that was supposed to help (which actually hindered) that I would really ever be able to tolerate using my joints the way I do now and moving without pain. So I am just grateful to be here and able to do what I get to do. I would really like to be able to do a kipping pull-up before the end of the year.”
Has Five Forks affected your life outside of the gym?
“Yes! I am so grateful that FFA is here and that I get to be a part of such an amazing place with amazing coaches who truly care about you and then, of course, my 9:30 crew. I actually look forward to coming to the gym. It’s a great stress reliever and having my group of ladies to do life with is such a blessing.”
Do you have any other special memories or achievements during your time here?
“I don’t know that I have one specific memory but, as far as achievements, I am able to do wall climbs and I don’t hate them as much as I did at my previous gym. I would skip those days. Now it’s bike days. Kidding! Sort of. ;) I also could not do an overhead squat when I first started, I can do them now. They aren’t heavy or pretty and they are not my favorite but I can at least get the bar over my head and squat to an extent.”
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