When did you start at FFA?
Logan – “June 2020. Shortly thereafter, my boy Josh learned I was much older than him and said, ‘wow, you are in shape for your age’ Haha!”
Meg – “When we moved onto Scuffletown in 2020, we immediately noticed a gorgeous gym just down the street. I joined with Logan originally but I wasn’t sure if the CrossFit workouts were for me or not. I switched to another gym for a few months in 2021 and ended up hurting myself and ran back to FFA. I thought I’d prefer the evoFIT workouts but I ended up really enjoying CrossFit.”
What is your favorite workout?
Logan – “Anything that does not involve Thrusters (hint hint Will!). My favorite movements are power cleans and bar muscle ups!”
Meg – “I love all cardio workouts – ones with box jumps, running, rowing, single unders. I’m still getting comfortable with heavier and overhead lifts.”
What type of exercise were you doing before FFA?
Logan – “We were at a Christian metabolic conditioning gym (less intense than normal Crossfit) in Florida – where I got saved (about 7 years ago)!! It was a great place to start to learn CrossFit.”
Meg – “Trinity Fitness was a gym ministry that Logan and I were volunteer trainers at and it was home to us. It was tough to leave but at FFA I feel so much stronger and really enjoy the workouts. I definitely feel more challenged physically than ever and I’m grateful for that!”
What are your health and fitness goals and have you achieved any of those goals? How is it going so far?
Logan – “My goal is to beat Darnell in a workout and it’s not going well. But really, my goal is just to stay healthy and fit for my family. I really enjoy CrossFit and the pain that it brings!”
Meg – “I hated running and would skip workouts with running in them in the beginning of the year. So I’ve started running before classes frequently to change my mindset and it really has changed my opinion on it. I also am thankful for my 8:30am girls Bec and Cammy who are teaching me to do pull-ups and to work my kipping technique.”
Has Five Forks Athletics affected your life outside the gym?
Logan – “Members of the gym in the 5:30am class and I have been able to start a men’s Bible study. God continues to grow the group!! These men have become my community and I am extremely thankful for that. Props to Jonathan for creating an environment where we are able to connect and start the group!”
Meg – “The sweet families of the 5:30am mens group have become like family to us and it’s been a blessing for all of us. Our babysitters, our chicken sitters – everyone now is from FFA! I love how Logan coaches Jamie from the 8:30 class’s son in baseball and how several couples get together with Logan and I for date nights.”
Do you have any other special memories/achievements during your time here?
Logan – “Strength is my biggest weakness, but I’ve gotten stronger since joining FFA. It’s encouraging to make steps in the right direction.”
Meg – “I lacked confidence in joining a CrossFit gym due to some trials I’ve faced, including having had a double preventative mastectomy in 2015, yet I continue to feel welcome and encouraged at FFA to keep going and growing. I’ve learned that I had to make the first effort and really put myself into the gym to get the fruits from it and I certainly have this year. It’s a really special place with inspiring people who genuinely want to see you succeed and that’s just so good.”
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