Athlete of the Month of December 2024

Years at Five Forks Athletics: 1 and 9

"FFA has affected every area of my life"

When did you start at Five Forks Athletics?

DAVE -  "I joined 6 months ago but I had been in out occasionally for years."


SARAH - " I joined summer of 2016 and while job changes and babies had me in and out for a few years, I have been fully back since 2023."


What is your favorite workout?

DAVE - "Really anything with a bar. I found crossfit through a weightlifting cert in 2008 so when I realized how much weightlifting was involved

I jumped right in. Snatch and Clean and Jerk are the king! 

SARAH -  "My favorite lift is the snatch, my favorite workout is anything with the bike." 

What type of exercise were you doing before Five Forks Athletics? 

DAVE -  "I was an athlete in college so again a lot of barbells and bodybuilding. Crossfit as well just not to the level I am not doing it now. 

SARAH - "Southern Moon CF for about four years, and before that, just body building. David was programming for me back then!"

What are your health and fitness goals and have you achieved any of those goals, how’s it going so far?

DAVE - "I just want to feel my best and be ok with myself and my body. That has always been such a challenge. I want to be a good steward of the body and gifts God has given me. We also want to lead our family in that way.  We can not lead if we are not healthy :) and I want to workout without my shirt on lol."

 SARAH - "I want to feel strong and capable. Being a strong female is not only normal at FFA, but it is celebrated, and I love that so much. One specific goal I had for this year was to start running without pain. I have mostly achieved that, and I am also enjoying it!"


Has Five Forks Athletics affected your life outside the gym?

DAVE - "The community is everything and I believe our family is making lifelong friendships. Our kids see how important this is to us and they are building friendships as well.

SARAH - "FFA has affected every area of my life. My schedule is dictated by how and when I can get my workouts in. Exercise is a non-negotiable for David and I. It’s easy to choose to workout consistently when it is your past-time of choice. A huge part of why I love to workout is the friendships I have here. The community here is truly one of a kind."


Do you have any other special memories or achievements during your time here?


DAVE - "Feeling accepted in places has always been such a hard thing for me. No one cares where you came from, what you do, how strong you are, they are all just excited to see you. Walking in every day is the highlight of my day. That’s the good stuff. Our gym family is our family.

SARAH -  "I never feel complacent in my abilities. There is always work to be done, and there are always people cheering me on, helping me along the way. I recently strung together pull-ups again, for the first time since having babies. My friends helped me do that. And I love them a whole lot." 


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